I am a visual artist specialising in illustration and animation, bringing together my skills and research background to create a diverse range of visuals.
I have received a PhD offer from the University of Glasgow in Modern Languages and Cultures, with a focus on Image and Text Studies. My research proposal centers on silent graphic narratives.
I earned my Masters in Art Education and BA majoring in Painting at Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts.
My debut graphic novel, Fishes May Come Back, was published in the UK. I am also a co-founder of Light and Memory: Journal of Storytelling and Art Organisation. Furthermore, I have been shortlisted for The Bottom Drawer Prize with my non-fiction book about wordless narratives in the UK and featured in The Guardian with my illustrations.
Talks and Conferences
Visuality of Silence: Understanding wordless-graphic novels in terms of their cognitive learning ways (2021, Nov 10). ECR Conference, British Psychology Society, UK.
2022 Artists Roundtable at Comics and Global South Conference, University of Cambridge, UK.
The Place Where the Unending Time is: Discovering the history of silent-graphic novels in terms of their timeless communication (2021, Nov 6). Domus Centre and History of Education Society, University of Birmingham, UK.
Silent Literacy to Construct and Product the Identity (2021, May 27). Yidan Prize Doctoral Conference, Education Department, University of Oxford, UK.
Published Works, Exhibitions and Fellowships
2023 Commissioned illustrator for The Guardian, "I am here, I am free", Editors: Jessica Reed, Rita Liu
2022 ''All is Not Well: Care Giving in Sequential Art'' collaboration with Dr. Ryan Prout and Jonathan Clode on the story about homeless people. Funded by the University of Cardiff and ESRC in the UK.
2022 ''The Expectants'', selected artwork at Comics and Global South Conference Exhibition at the
University of Cambridge, UK.
2022-23 Edgelands Institute Artist Fellow, Geneva, Switzerland.
2021 ''Fishes May Come Back'' debut wordless graphic novel was published by Good Comics based in London, UK.
Orchards in Blossom: Silent language to form an identity in terms of progressive ways of education. Published in the proceedings of Yidan Prize Doctoral Conference (2021) in The British Library / Education Department, University of Oxford, UK.
Youth: Overview Context. In Maria Brauzzi (Ed.), Education and Childhood Studies (2021).
London: Bloomsbury Publication.
Paul Klee and B.R. Eyuboglu: A Comparison of Ideas on Creativity and Art Education.
In: Journal of Art and Design, 2021, ISSN: 1308-2264.
2021 ''Obelisk'' wordless graphic novel commissioned by Dustin Carpenter from Portland, North America.
2021 Featured illustration in New Plains Review, University of Central Oklahoma, North America.
2020 Featured artwork at the University of Glasgow, in the ezine of Arts & Humanities, Glasgow, UK.
2020 Featured illustrations through the ezine of Epoque Press based in Dublin, Ireland.
Research Projects, Awards and Shortlistings
2024 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – Design Consultant for an initiative in
Wadi Rum focused on sustainable environmental conservation, in collaboration
with the UNDP Accelerator Lab. Developed marketing materials promoting native
species planting and Bedouin tradition preservation, enhancing the desert
ecosystem's appeal and visitor engagement.
2023 ''The Cost of Being Homeless in the Age of Smart Cities" an art book about the issue of being homeless in smart cities. Funded by Edgelands Institute based in Switzerland. Directed by Yves Daccord and Beatriz Botero.
2023 Against Digital Fatalism Award: Resisting technology hype through hopeful artful interventions with immersive futures / Shortlisted artist, University of Bristol, UK.
2022 The Bottom Drawer Prize /Shortlisted with Orchards in Blossom /non-fiction book about ''silent language'' in wordless graphic narratives, UK.
2021 Light and Memory: Journal of Storytelling Scholarship and Art Organisation, Co-founder.
"SASME+ / Civil Media in Service of Social Campaigns Promoting Activation of Seniors",
Funded Research Project by European Union /
Research Assistant, 2020-2022.
"Big Data-Based, Evidence-Based School Assessment and Education Excellence", Research Project.
Funded by the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Education / Research Assistant, 2020-2022.
2017 Nuri Iyem Painting Award - Selected Work - Evin Art Gallery, Istanbul, TR.
2016 "Kuşluktan İçeri", Istanbul The Art Studio - Solo Exhibition, Kadikoy, Istanbul, TR.
2014 Istanbul International Art Fair - Group Exhibition, Istanbul, TR.
2014 Ipek-Ahmet Merey Painting Award - Selected Work, Osman Hamdi Bey Hall, Istanbul, TR.
The Guardian / 2023 / Newspaper, UK
Broken Frontier / 2020 / Magazine, UK
WIP Comics / 2020 / Podcast, UK
Solrad / 2020 / Magazine, UK
A Place to Hang Your Cape / 2021 / Magazine, UK
Pipedream / 2021 / Magazine, UK
for your all inquires | contact (at) emrealtindag (dot) com
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